Anthropometry of an Architectural Photographer

3D Modeling


As humans, we intimately use our bodies as a way to experience and understand the world. The body, both a natural essence and a perceptive subject, serves as the instrument through which we navigate existence, fostering a dynamic connection with our surroundings. In this symbiotic dance of self and world, we explore the intricate interplay of human experience and the profound role our bodies play in shaping our perception of the world. Experiencing the photographer’s body experience.

Merleau Ponty: “I cannot see my body. For my body to be seen, there must be another body that is not visible in itself.“

(Anthropometry refers to the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body. It involves taking precise measurements of various body parts and proportions to understand the variations and averages within human populations.)


Project Title: Anthropometry of an Architectural Photographer
Media: 3D modeling
Year: 2018

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Designed by Soroosh Johnny Rafiee